30 December, 2010

My life as me

lolz to my title..ROFL..bhahaha
ok today my sister going back to her university in sarawak. so it's left me and my lil brother here
and ofcourse wif my parents..ehehe
but that's not the thing that I wanna talk about here. It's about me and my brother's lunch..uhhh I know it's sound silly..
well here's the truth
yepp it is embrassing and I'm 17 goin to 18 :/
It's not like I dun wanna cook but I'm scared of the oil..the sparking oil
If I dun have these fear I'm pretty sure and positively that I can be a GREAT cooker
cuz I fuckin love fooooooooooddd!!! I love to watch cooking tv programme like Jamie oliver, nigella bites..yummm..and there's "take home chef" my fav..I forgot the chef's name but I knew it's start wif chris
so basicly I love eat. I love watching cooking programme. So yeah I cam be a good cooker, If I din scared of that stupid sparking HOT oil..
so urmmm I just hope that one day I manage my stupid fear and COOK a meal for the first time!!!  :/
till then me and my lil brother just wait for my mun send us food for lunch :3
But hey I cook also ok..I cook rice,eggs and those kind of stuff..you know... :)))